Now more than ever before we have the means to measure many, many things. The problem is how to make sense of all that information; how to cut through the noise to what’s really important. Fortunately, that’s exactly the kind of challenge I love.
Using systems analysis, I work with key stakeholders to identify the metrics necessary to understand a given problem, then to build the tools needed to parse, track, and display the data needed for informed decision-making. I’ve worked with national retailers to develop strategy, with governments to develop policy and track implementation, and with nonprofits to assess program participation and impact.
In 2015 I launched VT Dinners (L3C), a healthy locally-sourced frozen meals business dedicated to addressing three of the systemic barriers to eating locally: cost, limited seasonal availability, and lack of time/knowledge to prepare nightly meals from scratch. After my family's move to Boston I handed off VT Dinners to a local partner. I researched local food processing in New England as an associate at Farm to Institution New England (FINE) before landing at CommonWealth Kitchen in early 2017, where I served as the resident ‘numbers guy’ coaching member businesses and handling finance and biz ops for the organization until 2020. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, my soft offer to join Wild Alaskan Company became a matter of 'now or never' urgency. I jumped on board in May and haven't looked back.
I'm passionate about sustainability, innovation, and the power of a new way of doing business to change the world. If you are too and want to work together, hit me up!